Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yes, We Love DC!

Last week, I was contacted by Rebecca from the the site http://www.welovedc.com/, asking if she could use my Red, White and Blue America scrapbook page as the "DC Crafts: Find of the Day". How could I say no?! This blog is really impressive, and is the collective work of several different authors. On top of the other wonderful contributions, I was particularly impressed with the recent crafts that have been featured.

I've been to Washington DC before, and if I wasn't already in love with Portland, this blog would be enough to make me want to move there. Perhaps a visit to our nations capital is in my future.....

I hadn't thought much about it since I gave Rebecca a resounding "YES!", but when I saw referrals in my Analytics from the blog, I knew it had gone live.

Check it out and give them some love! The direct posting can be found here, but the entire blog is definitely worth a read.

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